Monday, 30 April 2012

Making Money With Affiliate Marketing: Do You Have the Potentials to Fulfill Your Own Dream?

Making money with affiliate marketing begins with the right things. Without them, you will simply be struggling with your online venture. There are literally tens of thousands of affiliate marketers roaming the Internet nowadays, however, the sad fact is only a small fraction of them can make things happen. The reason? They approached it correctly right after beginning...
Want to know how to approach it correctly? Then you should complete the make your own quiz. And remember to be true to yourself, there is only you and me.
1) Are you strong enough to crush the temptation of seeking the "get rich quick" schemes?
OK, let's face it. We are all human, and a human has greed, it's a fact! However, if we let that greed dominate ourselves, we will fall into the traps that scammers laid everywhere online... Remember the last time you saw that "magical software" priced $37 that promised the world? Or even worse, the last time you bought it? Be strong online venturer, if you let the evil inside rule you, it'll be a disaster.
2) Are you willing to spend 6 hours a day in 3 months learning, and building your business?
OK, maybe I'm stressing too much here. I don't know how much time you spend everyday to learn the "right things," but to me, when I first got started, I spent 6 hours a day in more than 3 months to learn. But how many hours a day you spend doesn't matter. It's how you spend that time that matters. 6 hours of checking Facebook and reading emails equals nothing! Make sure you use your time wisely...
3) Do you have an achievable realistic goal to strike for?
It's an important part that most people, who failed already, forgot to bring along their journey. A man living without his purpose is called surviving. An affiliate marketer building his online business without a goal to reach is doomed straight away! Whatever it is, make sure that it makes sense to you. Don't get fooled by setting a goal like "$300,000 in 3 months" when you're a complete beginner. Something like "I'm making $250 a month in the next 4 months" works best!
4) Do you have the discipline to force yourself to take some actions?
The most scary part, isn't it? How on earth can an affiliate marketer make thousands of dollars online without lifting a single finger? Tell me if you know the answer... Want to know the secret of taking actions? Just slice them down to smaller doable parts, dominate each of them in a logical way, set out specific time blocks for them. Repeat until they are all done!
5) Do you believe by heart that you can do it?
Or do you believe that you're born to conquer anything that dares to stop you? Whatever your thinking is, shout out loud (to the little talking duck in your brain) that you can conquer affiliate marketing, and that duck should shut up before you roast it! If there is only one thing that can make things happen, it's to believe in yourself! If you don't, nothing can help you. No matter how discipline you are to take actions, no matter how realistic your goal is, without self-believing, nothing will happen.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Sunday, 29 April 2012

How to Make Your Child Involved in Better Activities Other Than Watching TV

Nearly everyone is fed up of their children watching television every time and not participating in sports and other creative activities. It is true that the world around us has changed and the time we used to spend playing, our children spend it watching TV. How often do you think of a trick that can get them on the right track? The truth is that it is not that difficult if you take the step before it gets too late. However, you should at any cost to take this initiative to save your children from the mental and physical hazards of television and involving them into activities that are not only good for their physical fitness, but also for their mental well-being.
It is not easy for you to change the habits of your children especially if they are deeply attached to them, however there are measures you can undertake to make sure that you stop them. You can't go and stop your children in one day and make them do something else. This will make them rude and impatient to watch television which can cause rash behavioral conflicts from both the parties. So start slow and steady and you will for sure win the race!
One good approach to make sure your children are watching stuff that is appropriate for them is to sit with them and watch instead of leaving them on their own. If they are watching a program which you think is not suitable for their age then takes out the time and explains it to them why you think they shouldn't watch it and what the effects it can have on them.
Another good approach is not to restrict the amount of TV they watch but initially try to change the type of programs they are into. Try to make them watch programs which are educational and motivating at the same time, such as make your own quiz shows, etc. Even a good cartoon show would be appropriate if it has decent language and no violence in it.
The next step you should take is to get them some books that are interesting for their age. One mistake parents do here is to try to get the children involved into books which bore them hence they go back to watching TV. One good book that any child would love to read is children's encyclopedia. If your children are not used to reading then sit with them and tell them what's in it. Read it out for them and tell them about the interesting facts stated in it. In this way they would be eager to know more and would start reading. You can also get them some nice story books with morals so that they can learn side-by-side.
Moreover, you can use one day of the week to take your children out especially on an educational tour. You can visit any museum or historical buildings in your area or city and tell your children about it. A good way is to carry a book with you that have facts related to the place. To make the journey fun filled you can carry a camera with you.
Games excite children and you can use this excitement factor to keep them away from the TV. Nearly every child wants to play but you need to make sure that you play educational games with them so that they can learn as well hand by hand.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Podcasting How To - How to Survey Your Podcast - Find Out What the People Want

You know the much talked about key to marketing- find out what people want, then give it to 'em Pretty easy huh- well, in theory, yes, and now there are great tools like this available, it has become easier than ever. Read on about how to research your podcast, here come some great suggestions for you.
1. Survey Monkey- If you go to Survey Monkey, you can get a free account there- and you can- as the name would suggest, you can create a survey and ask your public what they want. There is a premium account- as there is normally with these things, but you can get a free one if you like. There are several kinds of questions you can ask the people- questions with a yes or no answer, or multiple choice- so you can be as general or specific as you want. One little trick that I use, that is a bit cute, is do make your own quiz question for the people, and offer a prize if they get the right answer. Just a bit if fun, but it gets people involved, and they like that!
2. Facebook is another great research tool. So many of us are on the social networks now, we would be a fool not to use it! You can research the groups that people are joining, and see what they are commenting and talking about, and you can interact, that's why it's a SOCIAL network. As long as you are willing to be of value and help people out, answer their questions, and give them then info they want, they will not mind interacting with you in this well. A mistake people make on Facebook (or with marketing in general) is to straight in for the sell, without building the relationship first. Yet the importance of relationship building cannot be overstated.
3. Blogs. A lot of the top marketers use blogs, when they are launching a new project, and in fact in general everyday use as well. It is very cool. Why? Because people can give their opinions and comment on what you have written, and it is great feedback, and free market research for you. Not all will agree with you of course, but that is the essence of a great debate of course! Make sure your comments feature is turned on in the blog, and that you have it configured in the way you want.
4. Download the plug in from Max Blog Press- called Psychic Search- this allows you to see what people are typing in the search engines to reach you- pretty good to know, because then you can produce podcasts using that "long tail keyword" as it's called, and rank highly in the search engines with it! Or even write an article like this!
Neil Long is a DJ and Radio Presenter by trade, and he loves to help others market themselves using the extraordinary skills of audio marketing and podcasting- bringing the power of radio and media to their business.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Groucho's "You Bet Your Life!" Quiz Show Is Now "You Bet Your Life You Need a Sense of Humor!"

Here he is (again), the one, the only, Groucho!
After being bored with the "afterlife', Groucho asked for and gets a "special dispensation" to return to earth "life". We become reaquainted with Groucho when he is being interviewed, by Baba Wawa (Gilda Radner's personification of Barbara Walters) about what "cloud life" was like. To the interviewers first question "How are you", Groucho responds: "I hate questions". Cloud "life", he tells Baba Wawa, is very practical. Instead of questions, everyone just speaks with emotional statements about how they feel about things. They only tell their emotions, instead of making judgments and bullying others, or themselves. This is, he tells Baba Wawa, paradise, with zero provocations! It is beyond utopia, or would be, if only there were others in cloud "life" that had a sense a humor, like Groucho. If anyone dares to bully someone else, or themself, in cloud "life", they bully right back by turning around any accusations about doing or saying anything wrong or incorrectly. "Instead of doing "that", "that" did me!" is often heard in cloud "life".
Cloud "life", for Groucho, was very similar to what Groucho required on his 1960's TV show "You Bet Your LIfe". On that show, if any contestant complained about anything, Groucho would ritualistically hold his cigar in his unique way, and say how grateful he was that he could still hear, even if it is just to hear a complaint. Groucho kept thin in the clouds, and still is connected to his cigar. The cigar now functions to keep the clouds puffy. Groucho avoided dieting because he was, and still remains motivated by laughing, instead of eating. When Groucho gained his wings, he lost all of his ego. He had little ego left to begin with in the first place, when he was in earth "life", because Groucho always was interested in making lots of room for his comedy to spread out across his personality, and Groucho wanted all the space that his ego took up in his personality to be filled in with his sense of humor.
Deceased since the 1970's, Groucho tells Baba Wawa that he spends his cloud "life" traipsing around the clouds, always looking to find others in cloud "life" who have a sense of humor. Other cloud "lifers" spend their cloud "life" looking for their sense of humor, and finding it hard to find it in any of the cloud "life" religions, etc., so Groucho is pleased to return among the earth "lifers" to seek out earth "lifers" that still have their sense of humor intact. So far the only earth "lifers" he has found that he can relate to are Bill Maher and Ellen Degeneres. They both, like Groucho, have the courage to face their fears, their emotional vulnerabilities. These two either do all make your own quiz comedy writing, and/or risk ad libbing everything. Ellen even dances unscripted and unpracticed, spontaneously!
Joining Groucho and Baba Wawa were Bill and Ellen. They all enjoyed an Italian welcome back dinner and Groucho paid attention to the smallest minutiae. For instance, Groucho was grateful that the grater was full of plentiful parmesan and romano cheese! George Fennemann, who also accompanied Groucho, looked eternally youthful, (also anorexic), and George picked at a few spaghetti strands, and a few grains of cheese and a drop of tomato sauce. George Fennemann let it be known that he wished Groucho would stop smoking and eating simultaneously. Groucho was adamant though, because Groucho felt an ethical responsibility to keep the clouds looking their best.
Groucho also informed the interviewer, that he, Groucho, was the very first to start the trend of doing things simultaneously. Groucho was the founder of the original subliminal comedy movement that involved the complex elements of multitasking. Groucho even asked BabaWawa if she knew that Groucho was the very first comedian to even attempt to get his audiences to laugh so hard that they also cried. Groucho did his "trademark" move with his cigar and said: "Laughing and crying simultaneuosly, now that's real multi-tasking!" He winked at Baba Wawa. All of a sudden a trumpet played and the Angel Gabriel appeared. The "Secret Word" card just floated in air while The Angel Gabriel played his trumpet, while also eating a piece of pizza.. The gold and platinum and titanium embossed card had the secret words "multi-tasking" on it. The print on the card weighed the card down, but the titanium made the card "lighter" than air, so the card with the words "multi-tasking" actually was floating.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

How to Make Your Home Greener

With all the buzz about our environment and going green, most of us would at least try to contribute towards this goal. The question is how are we supposed to do that? You could always start things off at make your own quiz home.
If you have the habit of opening the refrigerator every now and then just to look at what's inside, you should get rid of this habit at once. You're actually wasting at least 25 kW per hour every month with this simple act. Open your refrigerator only when absolutely necessary.
One other power hungry device in your home is your air-conditioning set. Once again, only use it when necessary. When the weather isn't that hot outside, open your windows and enjoy the breeze of fresh air. When you actually use your air-con, set the cooling temperature accordingly, instead of having it cool to the lowest possible preset temperature.
If you're looking forward to changing your TV set, check the power consumption of that unit before making your purchase. Some of these HDTVs are known for being power hungry.
Did you know that cleaning products would actually cause harm to the environment? You could actually try several alternatives than your regular cleaning products. Items like vinegar and baking soda do have cleaning properties as well. Mix them with reduced amounts of cleaning products whenever you clean.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Monday, 23 April 2012

Start Your Own Website

What is the reason that you want to start your own website? Is it just for fun or do you want to make some extra income? You can start building a website today. What if you are still indecisive and what steps are the best ones to take?
What type? If you are thinking about having your own website, then chances are that you do want one. You should have some sort of idea as to what type of site you want and what you want the site to do for you. Do you want the site to make be informative or do you want to sell something? If you want to inform others, then you can create a blog. A blog is a website that has information only or a website that has information and a place where visitors can be interactive and leave comments to attribute to what you already have to offer.
If you want to start your own website to sell something, then you may want to take a little different look at how you are going to begin. The end result is for someone to buy something so you need to ensure that your website is created with that person in mind. This is why understanding the demographics for your product or service is very important.
The look! The website should look presentable and should have what the visitor is looking for. Once the reader has been captured on your page, you want your site to entice the visitor to stay awhile and obtain information about what you are offering with the hopes that they will buy that product or service. The site should be as user friendly as possible. It shouldn't be overloaded with color and animation and should provide a sufficient amount of quality content.
When you start your own website, think about what you would like to see if you were to visit your site. You wouldn't want to see information about pet supplies if the site is supposed to be for weight lifting. Color is important as it warms the page; however, too many harsh colors don't work unless they are accenting a "sale" sign or an arrow for example. The size and type of the font of your content is important as the words should be easy to read. Too many graphics on the main page can be an overload.
Balance it. Each page should be balanced with images, content and color. When you first start your own website, you may not know where exactly to start. The software you use to create your website should offer you templates and themes to choose from. This will help you get your feet wet. It may take a little time but search through the templates to find one that you like. Try out the different themes or create your own perhaps to match the colors on the products label or the employee's uniforms to create uniformity and create a connection to the reader between the website and your product or service.
Once your page has your name in the header, a menu or two on a side bar, make your own quiz on the other sidebar (optional), an opt-in area, quality content (a must) and the menu in the footer where the visitor can contact you, go home or see your privacy policy, then you have covered almost everything. And with everything in place, you should be ready to go live. What an exciting moment it is when you realize that you were able to start your own website and get to this point. Good luck to you!

Post Source: EzineArticles

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Guide to Marketing Your Pub Quiz

Once you have decided upon holding a pub quiz you'll need to ensure that all resources available are used in promoting the event. You need a serious marketing campaign to ensure everyone in the area knows about your fun event, otherwise you can just expect your regulars. This isn't such a bad thing if they spread the word but it could take quite a while before you see a packed pub. This guide will show you the different areas of advertizing which need to be used or at the very least considered. Remember we are trying to advertize as cheaply as possible
Internal Advertising. This is essential if you are to have a successful pub quiz. You must ensure that anyone who comes in will go away with the details of the quiz. You should advertize outside your pub as well as place posters inside. You may consider placing fliers on tables and you could arrange to share this advertizing space and cost with another local business.
Local Shops. Discuss placing an advert for your pub quiz in the window of local shops. Sometimes there may be a small charge but remember you are also able to place an advert for their business in your pub. If you help each other out you create a better local community spirit. Try to maximize marketing with as many shops as possible to get the most out of the local people who use these establishments.
Publicly Owned Property. You can start by asking Libraries if you could leave some business cards. You may also like to ask permission from the council to put posters on lamp posts or telegraph poles. Of course you must make sure that you attach these responsibly and without causing any damage. You don't want to end up in court.
Newspapers. It is generally expensive and ineffective to advertize your pub make your own quiz in a newspaper. You may however choose to go down this route. If you do then make sure that you know all of the details prior to publication, like the page and advert number. There is a time when this is a good way of advertizing such as for large chains but for the local pub there are much better ways.
Of the various ways you can advertize your pub quiz nights you should at the very least do the first two listed above. I'll briefly go through what you should include on your advert. You need to include the pub name, the day, start and finish times of the event and how regularly it will be held. Don't forget the entrance costs and highlight if it's per quiz team or per person as well as what they could win. These adverts need to be noticeable, easy to read and very direct.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Make Your Sales Letter Sell!

To return to the TV analogy: when many of us think of infomercials, we think of the same basic structure: a desk, a host, a product demonstration, a few arguments in favor of the product, and then ordering information. We tend to think along these lines because most of the infomercials we see never reach beyond this basic, safe format. And when we think of typical sales letters, we tend to think of basic, safe letters: letters that get the job done without necessarily entertaining the reader.
But there have been other infomercials on the airwaves. For example, a popular "adult" infomercial in the 1990s tried to sell a male enhancement cream to customers not by offering a product demonstration--a dicey proposition on any channel or network, considering the product--but by making their infomercial into something entertaining in its own right. The infomercial producers hired adult film stars, built sets, and turned what could have been a boring (yet salacious) infomercial into a make your own quiz show, complete with innuendo, double entendres, and genuinely engaging content. The result was a memorable infomercial--which meant a memorable product and increased sales.
Your sales letter can aspire to the same level. As long as you keep to the three basic parts of any good sales letter--inform, persuade, convert readers into customers--you have infinite freedom in terms of content. You might present your sales letter in comic strip form, for example, or you might write your sales letter in engaging verse. You might write your sales letter in dialogue form, or your might write about a new piece of software as if it had come through a time portal from a technologically advanced future.
Don't bore the reader, of course, by getting too cute with your sales letter--but don't bore them by keeping your sales letter bland, either. What your readers think of your sales letter will be, if you do your job right, what they think of your product. So if you can pull off a unique, entertaining sales letter--or if you're willing to pay for the services of someone who can--do it. A simple sales letter will get the job done, yes--but an entertaining sales letter will get the same job done better.
Once you have your sales letter, your website, and of course your product, your work is almost done. It's time to take a look at the last (and from the point of view of selling products, the most important) component of your successful direct response website: your commerce system, and managing the overall revenue and costs of your site both online and offline.
By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

Post Source: EzineArticles

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

How to Make Your Own Special Name Cards For a Party Or Dinner

Name cards can add a lovely little touch to a party or dinner and can be very useful too. Whether they display the names of friends who have come for dinner, different drinks and nibbles that are part of a buffet, or are being used in a fun game, make your own quiz etc. they can be incredibly practical and fun too. These cards can be as detailed or as simple as you like but their quality can always be of a high standard. One way to make effective and attractive cards for an occasion is to have the information printed on adhesive labels and then apply them to the bits of card. Obviously, most often different information will be needed for each different card. In order to do this easily and quickly a mail merge of the required information can be the best option. Mail merges are quick and easy to do and allow a lot of information to be transferred in a simple way.
The first step in organizing your information for a mail merge is to jot down all the information required for each card. Then, open up a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and put in the information you have compiled. Each name etc. must be put in a separate cell. Each cell that features in just one column will equal one name card. For more than one line on the same name card, put each extra line of information in the next cell along in the row. To simplify, put the information for each name card in a cell in a column. If more than one line is required on once card, put these extra bits of information in the corresponding rows. Save your Excel sheet and you now have all the information you need to complete a mail merge.
In order to have your labels for your name cards completed and printed professionally, you must then find a label printer who is able to offer this service. Some online printers do accept mail merge orders and so it is just a matter of spending a little bit of time on the internet and finding one that is suitable. In order to find out if a company offers a mail merge service, the first thing to do is to read through the information provided in the website. If not clear, this information can often be found in the FAQs section. If you are not able to find the relevant details on the website, the best thing to do is to email them to see if they can help you or not. Email is really the preferred method for this type of inquiry as it means they will be able to send you a detailed response and instructions which you will be able to refer back to.
When you have found a suitable label printer and organized your information in an Excel spreadsheet, you will then be able to add other details to your labels, for example, a picture. Some label printers offer an excellent selection of images that you are able to add to your design. This means that you can really make your name cards individual and reflective of the tone of choice. You can make your labels for your cards fun, sophisticated, eye-catching or as basic as you like. It is really down to you and your chosen design.
By spending some time looking for a label printer that is able to offer you what you would like, you will be able to have them use the information you have provided and print you some effective and attractive labels for your cards. It will then simply be a matter of peeling them off and applying to your pieces of card, in order to make super and attractive name cards for your occasion.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

5 Steps to Making Your Own Magic In A Down Economy

You don't have to be patient as the economy slowly recovers, you can make your own magic happen now! You have the power to create magic when you're focused on what you want. Conversely, fear and doubt take away your power when you give a big hunk of your attention to what you don't like.
There are 5 simple steps to keeping your focus on what you want in each moment.
Step 1.Making magic starts with where you put your attention and how you feel about what you're seeing.
You'll feel anxious when you give the majority of your time to looking at bills, bank balances and economic reports. But instead of fretting, focus your attention on what you want to experience: a loving connection with your partner, steadfast support of each other (you're a team!), trusting yourself and her that everything will work out eventually, and anything else that will light you up.
Step 2. Give it time.My dear grandmother once told me: Everything always works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it means you haven't gotten to the end yet.As you look back on your life, you can see countless instances of things working out. This will too. In its own time. Trying to force things to happen is exhausting and ultimately futile. You're most powerful when you do what you can do, then relax and give it time to work out.
Step 3. Expand your definition of success.You could say that you're successful in holding onto your job. And although it's not fulfilling right now, it is sustaining your household through this transitional time.
Also, you're successful in supporting your partner at a time when she really needs you. You're giving her a special gift-one she'll remember for the rest of her life. And you'll have the memory of coming through for her in a strong way when the going got tough. Your confidence will continue to grow as you think of other areas of your life where you're successful.
Be sure you're supporting her as fully as you can. Ask yourself: Am I wholeheartedly supporting her, or am I doubtful about her timing and ability to pull this off?Even if it's unspoken, she'll feel undermined if she picks up on fear that it won't work, or if you don't trust that she has what it takes to be successful.
Step 4. Look for signs of what you want-anywhere you can find them.The economy is turning around, slowly. The signs are there, if you look for them.
Step 5. Act when the time is right for you.The economy doesn't have to be completely turned around for you to be successful. Part of what helps turn it around is the willingness of thousands of individuals who step out and try things. After all, the 1930s was the most technologically progressive decade of the 20th century.
When you trust yourself and your partner, then stay focused on what you want, you have the power to make your own magic.
How Is the Economy Affecting Your Choices?
When the economy took a nosedive, most of us reflexively scampered to the nearest corner to hide 'til it's over. But when your nose is pressed against the wall, you'll miss the parade that passes by you every day. Consider these statistics:
• It's easy to parrot everyone else's fear. But when the old ideas no longer work, the door of innovation swings wide open. More than half of Inc.Magazine's 2008 list of the top 500 companies started in the first few months following 9/11. They found the opportunity amidst the uncertainty, and they ran with it.
Question: Amidst the uncertainty of today's economy, what's your opportunity (either to start a business or be more innovative in your current career)?
• The 30s were the most technologically progressive decade of the 20th century, outpacing the recent high tech revolution. Productivity grew during the Great Depression at three times the rate of the 90s. More R & D labs were opened during the first 4 years of the Depression than in the previous decade.
Question: What needs to happen for you to be willing to take action on your opportunity?
• 65% of Americans surveyed said they would never again spend as freely as they did before the recession. The social zeitgeist, while retaining its Americana competitiveness, is shifting. Keeping up with the Joneses has evolved from craven materialism to righteous (sometimes frugal; sometimes green) new citizen consumerism.
Question: How has your attitude shifted since the economic downturn began?
• The number of millionaires leaped 16% in 2009, and grew another 8% last year. Put another way, a new millionaire popped up, on average, every 3 seconds last year.
Now is the time when new ideas have an attentive audience. If you wait for the economy to come all the way back to feel that it's the "right time" to make your move, you'll miss out on the open field (less competition, fewer ideas) that exists now. Why be the last one in the parade? (You know the joke about the last guy's job in the parade is to "collect" the horse manure.)
Why Deer Are Scarier Than Sharks
Most people aren't skillful at assessing risk because they have an inaccurate view of what the bigger threats are.
For example, in the U.S., only a couple of people each year are killed by sharks. But hundreds are killed when they hit a deer with their car. So a deer is hundreds of times more threatening to your life than a shark.
I know someone who died when his car struck a deer, but I don't know anyone who's been attacked, much less killed in a shark attack. Even with that said, I think I fear a shark more than a deer because of my aversion to having my limbs chewed off versus going instantly in a big crunch. And all of those sharp, pointy teeth just look scarier than Bambi.
Let 's apply this metaphor to how your attitude about the economy affects your views of work and money.
Deer #1: Work. What's the purpose of your work? Everyone uses their work to fulfill their dreams of freedom (financial and lifestyle) and, I hope, to express a passion. The vast majority fear the shark of financial insecurity, but are instead hit by the deer of mediocrity.Their fear keeps them shackled to a safe, but mind-numbingly boring job. They inadvertently have the experience that work robs them of the very life it was supposed to give them.
Deer #2: Bankruptcy. Most of us fear the shark-getting fired from our jobs-as the path to bankruptcy. But the deer that causes more than half of bankruptcy filings is medical reasons.And three-quarters of this group had insurance, at least when they got sick. Some lost their insurance because they were too sick to work, thus losing their jobs. But those who had continuing coverage declared bankruptcy most often because of deductibles and loopholes.
What deer are you ignoring because you're focusing on sharks?
The Guessing Game When you stay focused on the opportunities to improve your situation, you'll join the millions who are creating their own economic recovery. Let's conclude this look at the economy with a little make your own quiz.
True or false: The ratio of bankruptcy filings to new millionaires is huge.
False. I asked a few friends for their opinion, and they thought it ranged from 10-25 bankruptcies per new Richie Rich. Would you be surprised to hear that it's more like 2 to 1? Yes, more people are going broke, but an astounding number are making it big (600k new Richies last year alone).
True or false: Personal bankruptcies are outpacing business filings.
True. Business filings actually decreased 7% last year, as opposed to personal filings, which increased 9%. If you're looking for a little encouragement to start a business, now is a great time to take advantage of fresh opportunities to fill new niches or put a new spin on an existing one.
True or false: You have a better chance of being hit by lightning than winning the lottery.
False. An average of 2 people per week are killed by lightning. By contrast, 105 people per week in North America win $100,000 or more playing lotteries.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Monday, 16 April 2012

How to Make Your Website Popular Using Backlinks

Here are a few tips to gain backlinks for your website:
Participate in forums and blogs. Become an active contributor to websites, blogs and forums that are relevant to your website. Answer questions posted by others within your industry/niche, or include useful information that others will appreciate. Increasing your level of recognition by others is a great way to increase your chances that those users will link to your website in the future. Eventually, you can include a relevant link to your free Flash template, right inside a post.
DO NOT SPAM. You must be an active contributor to a forum if you want the admin to publish a post of yours with a link. This means you should provide relevant comments - around 10 of them - before posting a link. Otherwise, your posts will be deleted by the forum's admin, and you will be tagged as a spammer. When you do send your post with a link, make sure your link is relevant to the forum thread. Keep it classy, and keep it relevant.
Create your own blog. Make a name for yourself as a resource that will make others want to link to you, by creating a blog that shares relevant information about your company/business/industry. Provide unique information that isn't offered elsewhere. Write a tutorial explaining something you discovered that could help others with the same interests. Provide personal feedback about a tip you tried that you found somewhere else, so users will know if it worked or not. Staying relevant is the golden rule here. Update as often as possible to remain current and retain interest. 
Be social. That is, in social media channels. People are spending a lot of time these days on Facebook and Twitter. Join groups that are related in some way to your product or business. Make new friends or acquaintances. This is a great way to build brand awareness, and get others to trust you. Create accounts for your website on these social media channels. In Facebook, you must have a user account through which you can create an official page or group for your business, company or website. Provide updates regularly, with news about your site.
Get familiar with social bookmarking websites. Websites such as Delicious, Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon are excellent ways to get articles or content on your website noticed. Sign up for an account at one of them, and contribute by adding comments and thumbs-up or thumbs-down to some of the bookmarks that are already there. Then, add your own quality content in the form of well-written, relevant articles. Include appropriately-placed links to your website within the article's text. Different bookmarking sites have different features so take the time to be sure you take full advantage of whatever is offered.
Submit an online press release. If something news-worthy happens to your business, write an article and broadcast it throughout the internet using a press release. There are free press release websites available, such as PRhere and PRLog. Write your article as if you're an uninterested third-party, like a journalist. Don't use obvious marketing terms like "This is the best company ever" or you'll be rejected by the press release editors who go over the articles before publishing them.
Start a competition. Draw attention to your website by offering some sort of prize. Make your own quiz, or request for users to submit idea about something. The goal is to generate discussion in forums or blogs, so make the competition compelling enough for word to catch on. For example, if you're a design company, challenge users to create Flash web templates that you'll feature on your site somewhere. Say you have a photography website. Create a topic, and get users to submit their best material on it. Give the winner 5 free photography lessons.
Buying/renting links. This option is tricky. Text link brokers offer links at a fee to interested webmasters. However, Google notices these paid links, that transmit PageRank importance, and considers this a violation of their webmaster guidelines. This in turn could negatively impact a site's search result ranking. Buying and selling links for purposes of advertisement is one thing - and is considered legal by Google. Yet oftentimes the host site will include a "nofollow" attribute to links found in advertisements, so that search engine crawlers do not pass the PageRank from the hosting site to the advertising site.
If you do want to buy paid links, your best bet is to contact the webmaster directly who owns the site you're interested in, and offer him/her a monthly fee in exchange for the addition of a text link to your site. Google won't easily be able to identify those paid links, and they can boost your SEO significantly.
Good luck gaining valuable (and relevant) backlinks!

Post Source: EzineArticles

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Does Your Free Test Maker Offer These Important Features?

Whether you work for a corporate human resources office, are a middle school teacher or just want to have some fun with your friends, finding a free test maker that offers the features you need is important. Obviously, designing an exit evaluation for employees takes an entirely different set of features than sharing a quiz about popular hairstyles with your friends on MySpace. Can you get the necessary features for all applications in one test maker? Actually, yes.
Corporate Test Maker Features
Wouldn't it be convenient to use a single tool to create pre-employment quizzes, corporate training evaluations and customer assessments about product knowledge? When you make your own quiz for any of these (or dozens of other applications), look for a test maker that offers secure quizzes, company branding, and reporting that includes statistical and analytic data. Wonder if the questions you've included are too difficult or too easy? With reports pertaining to question difficulty you can easily modify your questions on the fly. You'll also want to look for a test maker that hides quiz results so - for example - proprietary corporate answers are not shown to potential employees. Look for a quiz maker that allows customization of colors and fonts to reflect your company's branding.
Educational Test Maker Features
When you make your own quiz for educational purposes features should include the creation of different question types, revealing of scores and displaying of corrected answers with explanations to students. That's the bare minimum though. Look for a test maker that also allows you to create practice quizzes and display answers beside the questions. The quiz maker should provide the option of requiring students to provide their names when they take tests for tracking purposes.
The capability to set a time limit on a quiz as well as password protection will help prevent cheating. A feature allowing you to sort test takers by IP address will quickly alert you if one student took a test for another. For web security, you'll want every quiz to open in its own, stand-alone page. And, of course, the ability to store quiz results should be mandatory in any test maker you consider. Look for premium tools that provide options for adding pictures and other images, and receiving feedback from students to enhance your student's quiz experience. What would a good quiz tool be without a way to issue customized certificates to award achievements? All of these features combined will make for an excellent way to interact with students of every age.
Fun Quiz Features
It's a lot of fun to make your own quiz for friends or family. Sharing it, however, can be difficult. You shouldn't put up with quiz tools that lack features just because you're having fun. Look for a test maker with built-in sharing capabilities that let you add quizzes on your blog, website and social media sites.
A note of caution: free quiz tools make money by selling advertising on the quizzes. This is how they are able to offer the test maker for free. But some of free quiz tools don't police their ad content which can lead to teens and kids viewing questionable content. Look for a quiz creator that runs family friendly ads. Other features that give your quizzes a personal touch include customizable styles and colors, and the ability to upload images.
Being able to make your own quiz and share it the way you need and want to is fast and easy... if you're using the right tool.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Friday, 13 April 2012

Make Your Own Time Management Quiz to Get the Best Time Management Analysis

Time management can be a tough task especially if you do not know where to start from, but the good news is that there is a best place to start from - the time quiz. Most people underestimate the importance of this particular tool for their planning and activity organization. The reality is that not all time management techniques are applicable to everybody plus even if you adopt the right ones you might not be using them very successfully. The quiz will help you figure out how effectively you are allocating your time and help you figure out where you get things wrong and which things you are doing right.
The problem with standard time management make your own quiz is that they are way too general and more often than not the given answers do not match at all your individual ones. So, you if you really want to make the most beneficial analysis you have to devise questions for open answers. Most of these have to be standard ones, but you will also need to add specific ones that reflect your personal situation. The truth is that you do not need points and scores in order to analyze the efficiency of your time management. You will have to figure the solutions of the problems on your own. After all, the standard three lines with basic advice that you can get from most quizzes will not be of any help to you anyhow.
It is not at hard at all to create a time management quiz on your own. You can start with the standard questions of whether you use to do lists, an electronic organizer and other simple tools for planning and scheduling. It is a good idea to have questions on how long each specific task takes for completion. Do not miss to ask yourself questions of how you approach each type of work in terms of exact actions and in terms of attitude. In order to make the most efficient analysis you will need to include the so called situational questions. You can put in something like "How do you react when your boss asks you to do urgent work"? Generally it is best to put a great focus on questions that will allow you to understand the impractical and rather emotional reasons behind your actions.
Last but not least, be honest when you answer the questions from your personal time management quiz in order to get the most useful results.

Post Source: EzineArticles