Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Groucho's "You Bet Your Life!" Quiz Show Is Now "You Bet Your Life You Need a Sense of Humor!"

Here he is (again), the one, the only, Groucho!
After being bored with the "afterlife', Groucho asked for and gets a "special dispensation" to return to earth "life". We become reaquainted with Groucho when he is being interviewed, by Baba Wawa (Gilda Radner's personification of Barbara Walters) about what "cloud life" was like. To the interviewers first question "How are you", Groucho responds: "I hate questions". Cloud "life", he tells Baba Wawa, is very practical. Instead of questions, everyone just speaks with emotional statements about how they feel about things. They only tell their emotions, instead of making judgments and bullying others, or themselves. This is, he tells Baba Wawa, paradise, with zero provocations! It is beyond utopia, or would be, if only there were others in cloud "life" that had a sense a humor, like Groucho. If anyone dares to bully someone else, or themself, in cloud "life", they bully right back by turning around any accusations about doing or saying anything wrong or incorrectly. "Instead of doing "that", "that" did me!" is often heard in cloud "life".
Cloud "life", for Groucho, was very similar to what Groucho required on his 1960's TV show "You Bet Your LIfe". On that show, if any contestant complained about anything, Groucho would ritualistically hold his cigar in his unique way, and say how grateful he was that he could still hear, even if it is just to hear a complaint. Groucho kept thin in the clouds, and still is connected to his cigar. The cigar now functions to keep the clouds puffy. Groucho avoided dieting because he was, and still remains motivated by laughing, instead of eating. When Groucho gained his wings, he lost all of his ego. He had little ego left to begin with in the first place, when he was in earth "life", because Groucho always was interested in making lots of room for his comedy to spread out across his personality, and Groucho wanted all the space that his ego took up in his personality to be filled in with his sense of humor.
Deceased since the 1970's, Groucho tells Baba Wawa that he spends his cloud "life" traipsing around the clouds, always looking to find others in cloud "life" who have a sense of humor. Other cloud "lifers" spend their cloud "life" looking for their sense of humor, and finding it hard to find it in any of the cloud "life" religions, etc., so Groucho is pleased to return among the earth "lifers" to seek out earth "lifers" that still have their sense of humor intact. So far the only earth "lifers" he has found that he can relate to are Bill Maher and Ellen Degeneres. They both, like Groucho, have the courage to face their fears, their emotional vulnerabilities. These two either do all make your own quiz comedy writing, and/or risk ad libbing everything. Ellen even dances unscripted and unpracticed, spontaneously!
Joining Groucho and Baba Wawa were Bill and Ellen. They all enjoyed an Italian welcome back dinner and Groucho paid attention to the smallest minutiae. For instance, Groucho was grateful that the grater was full of plentiful parmesan and romano cheese! George Fennemann, who also accompanied Groucho, looked eternally youthful, (also anorexic), and George picked at a few spaghetti strands, and a few grains of cheese and a drop of tomato sauce. George Fennemann let it be known that he wished Groucho would stop smoking and eating simultaneously. Groucho was adamant though, because Groucho felt an ethical responsibility to keep the clouds looking their best.
Groucho also informed the interviewer, that he, Groucho, was the very first to start the trend of doing things simultaneously. Groucho was the founder of the original subliminal comedy movement that involved the complex elements of multitasking. Groucho even asked BabaWawa if she knew that Groucho was the very first comedian to even attempt to get his audiences to laugh so hard that they also cried. Groucho did his "trademark" move with his cigar and said: "Laughing and crying simultaneuosly, now that's real multi-tasking!" He winked at Baba Wawa. All of a sudden a trumpet played and the Angel Gabriel appeared. The "Secret Word" card just floated in air while The Angel Gabriel played his trumpet, while also eating a piece of pizza.. The gold and platinum and titanium embossed card had the secret words "multi-tasking" on it. The print on the card weighed the card down, but the titanium made the card "lighter" than air, so the card with the words "multi-tasking" actually was floating.

Post Source: EzineArticles

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