Sunday 27 May 2012

Work From Home Job Or Start Your Own Online Business - Which One For You?

This is the definitive guide to understanding whether working at home for a company or owning your own online business is right for you.
Many people are on the search for real work from home businesses and the exact how to steps to get to work from home. It actually has two components. Some people want to work from home but work for someone else. Other people want to work from home but start their own company. Let's explore both career paths to help you decide which one is right for you.
People who want to work at home but work for a company are looking more for an assured paycheck or set income. They find that they are not ready to take on the risk of starting their own company and feel better at knowing that once they start working they will instantly be making money. The opportunities range from working in customer service to light assembly or manufacturing work.
People who want to start their own work at home business are looking to break free from working for someone else. You would be striving to build a constant monthly income source where you call the shots and at the end of the day the company is your own. You would have to be comfortable with risk and understand that your positive cash flow from your business will not be overnight.
Take this quick quiz below to see which setting is right for you.
1. Can you wait to make money or do you need immediate cash flow?
2. What is your tolerance to business risk?
3. How much money do you have saved to start a company or can wait before it has to make money?
4. Do you prefer to work for someone else or do you want to start your own company?
5. What do you like to do?
6. Do you have any obligations that could prevent you from starting your company?
7. Are the people around you with you in starting a company or against it? Would they prefer you to work for someone else?
8. Do you need a steady paycheck or amount per hour that must count on?
Being honest with the make your own quiz will let you know which work at home situation fits you best. There are many business opportunities and jobs that you can do that are home based. After you have decided which one works for you then you are on your way to uncovering the best suitable work at home career. Starting an online business is easier than one thinks. It is for anyone that has an internet connection and can write at least an email. It doesn't take a technical background to make good residual income from a home based business.
Starting a company can be very stressful but then so is working for someone else. Just know that the pressures and stresses are different but very real. Be honest with your answers and you will know whether you should work for someone or start your own work from home business.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Monday 21 May 2012

So You Want To Be Your Own Boss?

Dear Fred and Lyna,
For the past 20 years, I have worked as an account executive for a major soft drink company and frankly I am sick of it. I have been looking into owning my own business and have run across several franchise opportunities. Do you think a franchise is the way to go or should I start out on my own?
Fred: More and more people, from college age to baby boomers, are attracted to owning their own business and being their own boss. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help you make the right decisions about starting a business.
Lyna: The first question I would ask myself is not should I buy a franchise or start from scratch, but do I have the ability to be a successful entrepreneur.
Fred: Good point, Fred. I have a friend who spent a lot of time and money training to be a color consultant and she's good at helping people find the best look they can achieve using the colors that are best suited to them. Yet, a year after she set up her studio, she gave up. Her reason was she couldn't get enough clients. What I saw was that she had no drive to market herself or to get help to do so. Instead she hung her shingle up and expected everyone to come knocking on her door.
Lyna: What is she doing now?
Fred: Actually, she is working the dressing room of a dress boutique and helps women choose clothes that look best on them. Although she is working for someone else, she is now happy to do so.
Lyna: If your friend had done her homework before hand, she probably would have realized that she doesn't have the characteristics of an entrepreneur. When you own a business you have to do what it takes to make it successful, no matter what it takes financially, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Fred: has a self assessment quiz to see if you have what it takes to own your own business. What an excellent eye opener! It touches on things like your communication skills, your attitude toward financing your venture, if you're willing to work long hours, and how you handle chaos. 
Lyna: That is definitely a must-do for anyone thinking of starting their first business endeavor. So, let's say you've taken the entrepreneur make your own quiz and find you do have what it takes. The next thing you might think about is what type of business would you want to invest in?
Fred: Wow -- that could be tough! My first thought would be to look at things you are passionate about. For example, your love for dogs is at the top of your list. How about a service that offers dog sitting, dog walking and dog grooming? Could you enjoy doing this full time? Or better yet, would you do this for free if you didn't need to worry about money? If the answer is yes, this might be a good option for you.
Lyna: You can also look at your talent and skills, even ask friends and family what they could see you doing. My friend Bill never thought of starting a catering business until his wife pointed out how often he cooked gourmet meals for social get-togethers. And now he's very successfully doing something he loves.
Fred: The other factor in choosing a business is whether or not you would need employees. Remember -- you'd be responsible not only for their salary, but also for health benefits and holiday pay.

Post Source: EzineArticles

Sunday 13 May 2012

Indian Soft Drinks Company Offers Quiz Contest to Win Prizes

Sometimes advertising and other media promotions are not enough to create the desired effect of a brand on the consumer. Marketing companies have to therefore resort to other innovative ways of staying ahead of the competition. This is exactly what Pepsi has done with the launch of its latest online contest.
A unique idea
Pepsi's latest media gimmick has effectively killed two birds with one stone. It has launched a new advertising campaign guaranteed to keep the viewer's attention for a while. However this new ad campaign is much more. It is also the new online contest from Pepsi. The combination of the two is what has probably made this new commercial so popular. What starts out as an engaging film ends up being the beginning of a series of online games. The film has most users so hooked on to it that by the end of it most of them will participate in the contest.
A game simple enough for anyone to play
The latest Pepsi quiz is a very simple one. All one has to do is answer a few riddles and a brain teaser at the end of every level. The first 35000 people to get all answers right stand to win Rs. 50/- worth of talk time. In addition to this they also get a chance to participate in the final contest for the grand prize of Rs. 50 Lac. Other prizes for this contest include free song downloads etc.
Other quizzes and contests
The latest Pepsi quiz maybe one of a kind but it is not a new concept for a food or beverage company to launch contests and make your own quiz to get the consumers interested in their products. Some companies launch contests that require you to buy a product while others launch contests that merely promote the brand. Whichever kind of contest it is, it achieves the end result - to get the consumer interested in the brand enough for him or her to try it.
Soft drink campaigns are a favourite
The Indian soft drinks market is a highly competitive one. It is because of this that brands are constantly devising new ways and means to keep their sales figures up and ahead of the competition. This is the reason that you will find that almost every soft drink in the market has had a contest associated with it at one point or another.

Article Source:

Sunday 6 May 2012

Take This Make Money at Home Personality Quiz

You have probably toyed with the idea of being your own boss and working at home. Come on, who doesn't want to make money at home? I think everyone has thought about it deep down.
It is believed that in order to make money at home, you need to have certain personality characteristics such has self discipline and being innovative. You probably already are thinking of some of your strong points right now as you read this, but if you are seriously thinking of working at home to earn money, then you should take this quick quiz.
This quiz can possibly help those that are on the fence about whether or not to make money at home and will help inspire those that are perhaps already working from home.
Directions to take the quiz
In this make your own quiz you will be taking a personal inventory of your personality and characteristics. Try to be as brutally honest with yourself. There is no wrong or right answer and no one is going to pass judgment on you. Circle one answer. Circle "A" if you agree with the statement, "D" if you disagree and "N" for not sure.
I can take responsibility. A D N 
I want to be my own boss. A D N 
I can readily make decisions. A D N 
I can plan ahead. A D N 
I'm a leader. A D N 
I like competition. A D N 
I'm organized. A D N 
I'm a hard worker. A D N 
I'm physically able to work long hours. A D N 
I can handle stress. A D N 
I'm prepared to make financial sacrifices. A D N 
I have the know-how to run a business. A D N 
I'm a fast learner A D N 
I have the education to run this business. A D N 
I know how to sell my product or service. A D N 
I'm a good communicator. A D N 
I work well with people. A D N
Now that you have finished taking the quiz, add up the answers you circled for A. the more of these you circled, the better your chances of success to make money at home successfully. There is no magic number or correct number, but this gives you an opportunity to be honest with yourself.

Post Source: EzineArticles